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This map was created as part of the GIZ off-grid energy program in Mozambique. It is intended to support the development of the off-grid sector, by providing improved access to data and market intelligence, to both mini-grid and solar home system developers, distributors and investors.
The map shows data for all provinces of Mozambique, using only publicly available data. It incorporates analysis from combining international, government and satellite data to help developers find markets and customers.
The full list of public datasets used and the methods used in preparing them is available at the project's GitHub repository moz-offgrid-data.
The code and resources used in this website are available in a separate repository moz-offgrid-viz.
This map is operated and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
The Energy Cluster by GIZ is formed by these programmes:
Analysis and web development by Chris Arderne.